Motion and Stills – Motorbikes

  Some new motion and stills work shot in the summer down in Sussex with the very talented Olivia Bohac. The film was directed by myself with cinematography from Jordan Stephens and editing and grade by Ciaran Grant....

What’s in my Travel Grab Bag

Following on from the post on my Lighting Kit Bag I thought I would also give a little tour of my travel ‘Grab Bag’. This bag is something I always travel with when on assignment – it always goes with me and contains many travel essentials that I have put together over the years. H...


At the beginning of 2018 I was able to take some time to visit a part of the world which I have yet to really get the grips with as much as I would like, South America. I have had assignments in Central America before (Guatemala and Mexico) but as a region it’s not somewhere I have really got to e...

Benjamins of Beni

I shot this series a couple of years ago in the town of Beni, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. I was there on a NGO job and started to notice the art work on these money changers stalls, portrait of Benjamin Franklin. One day, when we didn’t have anything else scheduled in, I was able...

An assignment to Myanmar for ActionAid UK

At the end of last year I was asked by the charity ActionAid UK to travel to Myanmar to document a trip by the British TV personality Hugh Dennis as he ventured out there to meet a child he sponsors in the country (see above). It was an amazing, eye opening trip, and as ever I was humbled by the gen...

Jeremy Paxman for TATLER

I recently had the honour of being asked by Tatler to photograph British TV and news personality Jeremy Paxman, considered a notorious interviewer and a bit of an all round intellectual powerhouse. Needless to say I was a little daunted! Thankfully though I think  managed to break through the frost...

The Fuji X-series

Ha Giang Province Vietnam: 1/125 @f/2 ISO 400, Fuji x100 The other day I had to make a call I never wanted to have to make. At 28 I needed to see a chiropractor – some would call it the photographers curse, a curse that unfortunately goes with the territory. Lugging heavy camera gear around, u...